Argentinia 14,034 km in 66 days: We spent hours watching the whales on the Peninsula Valdez, survived the endless roads through the Patagonian Pampa…
Category: Brasil
Water, water and again water
After 2.5 months in Brazil, our last highlight is in the very south of the country: the Iguaçu waterfalls located in the three-country corner…
Adventure Pantanal …. and lovely bonito
On a Saturday morning we drive out of the megacity Sao Paulo and look forward to adventures of a different kind again: nature, animals,…
What contrasts: Rio, São Paulo, Parati: And we survived without any problems!
The cities of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo are considered very dangerous. Since we have met Brazil - contrary to all the warnings…
The paradise in the east of Brazil: sun, beach and turquoise sea
In northeastern Brazil (northwest of Natal – the city closest to Africa and the easternmost "tip" of South America), the beaches were already great:…
The dream of kiting – a new challenge!
I used to love windsurfing: I drove to the Netherlands almost every weekend during the “Bundeswehr time“ in Cologne and later on from Munich…
At last, dreams, wind and … holidays
As soon as the stressful Transamazonica is over and Shujaa undergoes a thorough wash - which this time lasted a little longer than usual…
Transamazonica Adventure – Can we beat the challenge?
What have we not already heard and read about the Transamazonica: Murderous tracks that you never want to do again, impassable in the rainy…
Delicious food in Amazonia
We see many new things to eat and in restaurants on our trip. From Cevice to Pisco Sour to heaps of empanadas. But we…