921 km in 12 days: The Israeli border crossing is special: many young police officers in cool clothes, with automatic rifles over their shoulders, good-looking and educated – another world. We are thoroughly checked, but everything is highly professional. We spend our first night at the Sea of Galilee. Then we make a tylish wine tasting on the Golan Heights. In the small town of Safed, there are many ultra-Orthodox Jews and synagogues to see. The classic cities of Nazareth, Jericho, Jerusalem, and Bethlehem are of course all on the itinerary. In the footsteps of Jesus we drive through the country. The knowledge of these historic places makes us humble. Jerusalem in particular is of course spectacular in terms of its historical importance. We visit the small town of Akko by the sea. In Haifa we ship Shujaa and pay a visit to Tel Aviv for a few more days. Every day we eat fantastic food in this modern, bustling, young city. All in all, however, we do not become Israel fans. You can feel the inner turmoil of the people everywhere, whether due to recent history or through the experiences of many generations. That makes us sad.